5 Top Tips to cope with a big kid a toddler and a baby. 

Motherhood is hard…. Right now as I write this I have my 2year old asleep in my bed and my 7month old crying next to me in his cot.

Say cheese… 
This is real life! I’ve just finished a 2 hour battle to get my 8 year old daughter to eat her mash! Like for real? How hard is it to put food on a spoon and eat it? Apparently it’s stupidly hard, like so hard that hell will freeze over if the plate is bloody emptied.

Anyway…now Amal has gone with he’s sister here’s my tips for coping with 3 kids. Especially the toddler and the baby.

Tip 1
Find something that can entertain all the kids at once. I use TV, I’m not ashamed! When I need a moment I pray horrid Henry is on CITV so I can slip away and put dinner on or get a shower.

Tip 2

Promote caring and loving behaviour between siblings. I can promise…this works in creating a much happier home if they all get along and understand the importance of treating eachother with love and respect.

Tip 3 

Try and make nap times for the young ones at the same time. This will either give you the chance to get things done, rest or spend time with the older child.

Tip 4

If you make plans or promises to spend time with your older child..honor it! Older children have melt downs too, they just express it differently. They need mummy time too.

Tip 5

Try your best to get some time for yourself without any children. It’s common for mothers to feel like they have lost themselves..instead of making a ton of excuses for why you can’t do something because your a mother. Start making plans to do something, your still the woman you was before motherhood, just with added responsibility. This doesn’t mean you have to loose who you were.

I can honestly say, this journey of motherhood is a bloody rollercoaster, somedays are good, somedays are soo bad I feel like I’m being punished for something. But regardless I carry on because I chose this path and I have a duty to ensure that these kids are loved and cared for. In saying that I also have a duty to myself and that is to ensure I put my needs first too because if I don’t I’m not going to be the best for my kids.

I hope my top tips help

All the best


15 Comments Add yours

  1. Katie says:

    Dude, I 100% feel you. I only have one and it’s so hard sometimes. I tip my hat to you for making it work with THREE! Also, I feel like tv gets a bad rep. Sometimes you just need a break. P.S. Your baby is adorable!


    1. Thanks soo much! I have to be honest! I love using the tv. Everyone is happy. And I’m not stressed because of it. #happymum=happybaby x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Katie says:

        Plus then I get to watch the tv shows I want to see too!!! Lol

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Your baby is so adorable! Mommyhood is the best. Enjoy your journey. My son is an adult now – thank god 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I love being a mom I can only imagine when my kids are adults I will be wishing they were small again 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for following me – did the same. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.


  4. Thank you soo much many more posts to come xx


  5. Ella says:

    Your baby is adorable! Even though I don’t have kids of my own I really enjoy reading posts like this as I can’t post them on my own blog. Great work – Ella XO


    1. Awww thank you xx


  6. I’m mummy of two… just two… but I know how difficult it is two spread 24 hour s between them and all work life and home duties. Five YESes from me… agree with every single tip from your list. Take care:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my love and welcome to my blog xxx

      Liked by 1 person

  7. mumjd says:

    I’ve only got two and they are older now, but things can still go wrong sometimes, especially when one of them annoys the other

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Great tips, It really gets frustrated when you cannot complete everything in 24 hours and you have to start a new day, and start the whole thing over again, but that’s just motherhood right….I love your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awww I know the feeling, that’s me exactly with cleaning the house today. Lol aww thank u hunny x

      Liked by 1 person

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