What Happened To Mommyrosebuds?  

Hey my wonderful followers!
So I’ve been a bit distant lately and truth be told there’s a lot going on……Nothing particularly great and it’s made my time to blog very limited.

I am exhausted! Physically and emotionally. I can’t lie about it as I always said I would blog with honesty.

Being a single working mum to 3 kids is hard work, and I’m just trying to find myself within it all.

I believe I’ve reached that place in my adult life where I’m actually checking myself and trying to work out “What makes me happy and Who am i?”

I’ve never been alone or had the oppertunity to grow independantly as a individual as I’ve been a mother since I was 16. Feel free to read my journey as a teenage mum here if you haven’t read yet. Please don’t get me wrong I’m not complaining…I love my kids….but I’ve never really figured out who I am aside from them?

A couple weeks ago I had a weekend to myself and I literally raved from Friday to Sunday and it was amazing. I had so much fun and I had to question..”Is this how the other side live?” Now I don’t think I could maintain that type of lifestyle for very long with children and a job nor do I think I would want to.. but it did make me wonder……*What lifestyle should I be providing myself with, and how can I achieve it with kids?

I even considered taking a break away without the kids for some much needed “me time.” I got as close as booking the train tickets to Edinburgh until my anxiety kicked in and I realised I would be alone. So theres something I learnt about myself…… “I’m scared to be alone and i hate change” This is not a good thing in fact it’s something I feel is really restricting me and most likely preventing me from gaining a good life balance.

So guys, in a nutshell that’s what has happened to Mommyrosebuds, she’s in the process of re-collaborating herself to be a better mother by working on her true self.

If any parents have experienced something similar please do comment and let me know how this process went for you and what things you got up to. Or even if your not a parent but just know a bit about finding yourself I would love to hear from you too.

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Until next time

Leah ❤

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I remember so well the exhaustion of being a single mother. I found the best help was swapping babysitting with another mother. That was free, so it was possible on my limited budget. I also was in a prayer group at church for single moms that had a sitter. That got me through some tough times. The other thing to remember since you had your kids so young is that you will have, God willing, many, many years after they are grown to explore who you are. My daughter, now a single parent, takes the kids to free family events at local museums and libraries. Then she gets to express her artistic self and the kids are happy too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Elizabeth, I do often sit and think that I will have many years to explore who I am later. And that all I’m rushing to gain might actually come once I’m much older and established. I think I will need to start finding things that I enjoy then. That will be a good start. Thanks for commenting I really appreciate your advice xx


  2. You sound like such an incredible, hard working woman. Finding yourself is a difficult thing even when you don’t have three children. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be when it’s hard to find a moment to yourself! This was such a refreshing piece to read. Very real. I am not a parent myself, but I had a very difficult time figuring out who I was and what I wanted from life at one point in time. What helped me was cherishing and doing more of the things I love, completely (and I really mean completely) cutting out the things that made me unhappy, and learning to find peaceful moments where I can reflect on the day, whether it was good or bad, because even the worst days can teach you about yourself. Bullet journaling also helps! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you so much for commenting. It’s soo true I must start cherishing the things I love and do more of it. I do a lot of self reflection but I actually don’t think I’ve ever really sat down and reflected on my day and that would definitely be something worth trying. I will definitely try the bullet journaling too sounds like a great idea! Thanks again Hun x

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m not a mother (yet- as you know), but even without kids, the journey of finding myself, who I am & what makes me happy took me a while. Deep meditation, alone time & poetry really helped me. It started with self love & belief, once I started to love and appreciate myself, I began to realise a lot more about me. I re-evaluated my lifestyle, my friends & even my identity. You will get there beautiful. There’s no rush. ✨❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Hun, I really appreciate that and will take ur advice. I’m definitely enjoying this journey I’m on, some days are amazing and others not soo good but it makes me happy because I’m trying. 😘😘😘❤️


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